Friday, February 16, 2018

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tasty Tuesday

Here is a simple, yummy treat for you or your kiddos!  Easy to make and not loaded with all the preservatives that store bought bars have.  My kids love these!!
All you do is mix the ingredients below together and spread in a 9x9 pan, refrigerate for 20-30 min, cut and serve!  Boom!  Easy Peasy!

6 Ridiculously Healthy and Delicious 3 Ingredient Snack Recipes Healthy snacking is right around the corner. The best part about this group of homemade snack food is the number of ingredients needed. These 6 Ridiculously Healthy and Delicious 3 Ingredient Snack Recipes actually share a lot of the same products. A version of a nut, … Continue reading »

Monday, February 12, 2018

Motivation Monday

I love this!  Did you know that the average person checks their phone 150 times a day!  Wowsers!!  Let's get out there and LIVE!  Let's do more that require less technology!

When we really think about it, we all know that we'd rather connect with the people around us than the screen in our back pocket... But that pull is real!   Read here for 5 strong reasons to forget your phone more often.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Fit Friday

Here is a great core workout you can try at home this weekend!!

12 Amazing Weight Loss Ab Workouts | Our Favourite Pinterest Abs Workouts!

Thursday, February 8, 2018