Monday, October 1, 2012

Motivation Monday

Today's Motivation Monday is for all you soda (or pop) drinkers out there.  Think before you pick up that 20 oz soda. Realize that that 20 oz'er contains 22 packs of sugar!!! 
Oh and you diet soda drinkers--you're not off the hook either.  While diet soda doesn't contain any calories, the artificial sweeterners that are in them are: 
1) Toxic (aspartame contains formaldahyde, which is used in embolming bodies...yummo!!)
2) Artificial sweeteners spike your blood sugar twice as much as regular sugar, leading to higher insulin production which = higher obesity and higher sugar/carb cravings afterwards (which leads to over-eating unhealthy foods)
3)Un-natural.  Why put something in your body that your body doesn't recognize or know what to do with?

I know many of you will still sip on that soda but at least think about what you're putting in and doing to your body!

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