Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Wellness Wednesday

Today may not be a great day. I spilt coffee all over the kitchen, I stepped on the cat, I lost my keys, I was late to work, etc. What can you find in your life that's positive? I have a coffee maker, or even a kitchen to make meals( and COFFEE in), I have a pet who unconditionally loves me (or he just wants kitty treats), I have a safe, reliable vehicle to get me places I need to go, I have a job that provides a steady income. Find the positive in your life.  Be thankful for the little things, make a choice to be happy and see the good wherever you go.  In my Health Psychology class, there was a man who was training himself to see the positive in life - starting with pictures of people smiling. If you see the positive in a bad situation, it helps you overcome that situation and sets you up for more positive results. When I'm stuck behind an insanely slow car, I can either throw a temper tantrum because not everyone wants to go as fast as I do, or I can take a breath and be thankful I don't have to be in a rush. I can take time to have me time while following this very traffic law minded individual. I tell myself there is always a reason things happen. Find the positivity in that situation. 


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