Thursday, August 2, 2012

Topic Thursday

This Thursday's Topic:  Carbs, Carbs, Carbs...

Nothing has every been so crazy as the low-carb diet phenomenon. Your body needs carbs. Let me say it again; your body needs carbs! Your brain, nervous system, and muscles depend on carbs as a fuel source. When you don't eat enough carbs, you get irritable, light headed, lethargic and forgetful because you're not feeding your body what it needs. The key is to choose the right kind of carbs.

"White" Carbs (a.k.a. bad carbs), which are mostly sugar and have little to no nutritional value, promote Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers, increase your risk for cardiovascular disease, cause mood swings, energy surges and losses, and accelerate aging. In addition, the more white carbs you eat the more empty-calorie white carbs you crave. White carbs include white breads, white pastas, white rice, baked goods, candies, crackers, etc. These white carbs should be limited in your healthy eating plan. They are definitely only a "sometimes" food.

On the other hand "Complex" or healthy carbs make us feel full and satisfied, they are high in fiber (which promotes regularity!), they provide your body with a steady energy source, they take longer to digest, and they are packed full of vitamins and minerals. Healthy carbs include 100% Whole Wheat breads and crackers (be sure the label says 100% or it is probably not truly a whole wheat - probably just a white carb in disguise), whole wheat pasta, brown rice, oatmeal, and ALL fruits and veggies.

Pair a healthy carb with a healthy protein for every meal and snack!

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